Introduction to HTML

Basic Terminologies

Structure of HTML - html tag, head , body
List elements - Ordered list , unordered list
Format - Strong, em, sub , sup , del, u or ins etc.
Forms Creation - Text , radio, checkbox, dropdown etc.

Sample Page :

<!doctype html>
          <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen align="right"></iframe>            
         <p> <strong>Human Face</strong> </p>
        <img src = "" height = 250 width = 150 align = "centre" />
       <form action = "">
            <p> God is great he has created wonderful human being </p>
            <p> Login to check : <br> username : <input type = "text" value = "user name" placeholder="Your name" > </p>
            <p> Password : <input type = "text" > </p>
            <p> Select from the dropdown list : </p>
            <option> Nose </option>
            <option> Mouth</option>
            <option> Teeth </option>
            <option> Ear</option>
            <option selected> Forehead </option>
            <hr color="Blue">
            <p1> Survey : </p1>
            <br> Do you like the food <input type="radio" name="exclusive option" value ="opt 1" >
            <br> Do you like the Dance <input type="radio" name = "exclusive option" value = "opt2">
            <br> Mark if all the answers are checked <input type = "checkbox" cheked>
            <p> <input type="Submit" value = "Click to complete" > </p>
